
At TWC2, it is our mission to build a world where migrant workers are treated fairly. A society that recognises and values the important contribution they make to our households, economy and country.

Our passionate team rely on your donations to keep our mission going.

See the sections under the What We Do menu tab for more information about the services we provide to injured or out-of-work migrant workers — essential humanitarian services that will not be possible without your contributions.

Please click the appropriate section for more information:

HOW WE HANDLE donations

Generally speaking, all donations received will go into the general fund (also known as the unrestricted fund) that is meant to support all activities of Transient Workers Count Too, unless we launch a specific appeal for a specific programme.

As can be seen from the page Where Your Dollars Went, over 90 percent (by value) of expenses are put to “charitable activities” — in the parlance of our external auditors. “Charitable activities” means such programmes that are of direct benefit to TWC2’s beneficiaries (migrant workers) in keeping with the mission of the organisation.