At TWC2, it is our mission to build a world where migrant workers are treated fairly. A society that recognises and values the important contribution they make to our households, economy and country.
Our passionate team rely on your donations to keep our mission going.
See the sections under the What We Do menu tab for more information about the services we provide to injured or out-of-work migrant workers — essential humanitarian services that will not be possible without your contributions.
Please click the appropriate section for more information:
The easiest way to donate is by PayNow. Enter our Unique Entity Number (UEN) manually — our UEN is T04SS0088C — or just scan the QR code below.
Donating is easy, secure and handled by our partners at or Paypal (click the appropriate logos). We prefer – the donation portal run by Singapore’s National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre – as the handling charges are lower. In fact, from 1 Jan 2020 to 31 March 2021, handling charges have been waived. supports both local and foreign-issued cards for Visa/Mastercard/Amex. Furthermore, supports NETQR payment mode too. Paypal’s handling rate varies depending on the amount in the transaction. A $10 transaction attracts an 8.4% Paypal commission. A $100 transaction attracts 4.4% while for a $500 transaction, it is around 3.5%. These rates may also change with time.
If you click the appropriate logo, you will be taken directly to the donation page of the portals.
For larger amounts, you are welcome to send us a cheque. Please make the cheque out to our official name ‘Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2)’ and mail it to our address as shown on the FIND US page.
If you need a receipt, please drop us an email, (email address is also on the FIND US page). Since there is no intermediary for cheque donations, no commission or handling fee is charged.
If you prefer to help us by direct bank transfer, either through an ATM (automatic teller machine) locally in Singapore or through telegraphic transfer internationally, you may wish to know the following information:
- Name of Beneficiary: Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2)
- Account Number: 006-900625-0
- Type of Account: Current Account
- Name of Beneficiary Bank: DBS Bank
- Address of Beneficiary Bank: 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
- Country: Singapore
- SWIFT Bank Identifier Code (BIC): DBSSSGSG
- Bank code: 7171
- Bank branch code: 006
- Cable: DBSBANK
- Telex: RS 24455
- Telephone: +65 6878 8888
HOW WE HANDLE donations
Generally speaking, all donations received will go into the general fund (also known as the unrestricted fund) that is meant to support all activities of Transient Workers Count Too, unless we launch a specific appeal for a specific programme.
As can be seen from the page Where Your Dollars Went, over 90 percent (by value) of expenses are put to “charitable activities” — in the parlance of our external auditors. “Charitable activities” means such programmes that are of direct benefit to TWC2’s beneficiaries (migrant workers) in keeping with the mission of the organisation.
Donations that are not marked for any specific purpose (“not earmarked”) will go into the Unrestricted Fund (also known as the “General Fund”). This gives the organisation the flexibility to deploy resources to whatever needs arise. Indeed, needs evolve over time. One year we may have many medical emergencies; another year, housing needs surge. Flexibility allows TWC2 to respond better to circumstances.
Donations that are earmarked by donors for any special purpose(s) will be exclusively spent on the named purpose (subject to the section “Unsolicited but earmarked”). However, such earmarks would only be possible:
(a) when TWC2 informs the public through this website that such a donation window is open — the donation appeal will state the purpose and time limit for the appeal;
(b) when there is prior mutual agreement between a donor and TWC2.
Earmarked donations (where mutually agreed or accepted through a specific appeal) will be applied to the designated purpose for as long as the purpose exists. If there is any excess after the purpose is fulfilled, or the named beneficiary (if any) is no longer contactable for a period exceeding six months, the excess donations will be migrated to the general fund, so that the monies can be more usefully applied to other needs and programmes run by TWC2.
Unsolicited donations that are earmarked by donors create administrative difficulties for us. For example, telling us that a donation is meant for language courses for migrant workers is meaningless when TWC2 neither runs language courses nor is there any demand by workers for language courses. Telling us that a donation is meant for such and such a worker whose plight was featured in the press only creates a hassle because we may not have any contact with this named worker.
It is unfair to other donors to create such administrative difficulties, because we then expend resources, e.g. staff time and communication costs, trying to sort out or return earmarked donations. These resources would have been supported by donations from other donors, and are better spent providing for migrant workers than sorting out the above-mentioned hassles.
Where a special purpose (earmark) is attached to a donation by the donor, but TWC2 has not set up such a special purpose, the special purpose cannot be recognised as valid. Where the donor is anonymous or cannot be reached, the donation will go into the general fund.