26 11, 2018

Costs of low-waged labour migration: Difficulties, implications and recommendations

2019-08-30T16:30:46+08:00November 26th, 2018|Articles, Facts, research, analysis|

Unlike other studies that tend to be more focussed on a particular issue, e.g. recruitment costs or access to healthcare, this study takes a more inclusive approach, to look at the various costs of migration, as surfaced by migrant workers themselves in face-to-face interviews. It therefore reveals issues that may be missed by other studies,

5 10, 2017

TWC2 joins two shadow reports on CEDAW

2019-08-30T16:31:30+08:00October 5th, 2017|News, Our Stand|

Transient Workers Count Too joined with 12 other NGOs in Singapore to submit a joint shadow report to the United Nations Committee on Cedaw (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) for the upcoming periodic review of Singapore. The joint report highlights a number of issues pertaining to foreign domestic workers

3 10, 2017

HOME and TWC2 submit joint report on the exploitation of migrant domestic workers

2019-08-30T16:31:30+08:00October 3rd, 2017|News, Our Stand, Press Releases|

The Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME) and Transient Workers Count Too (TWC2) have submitted a shadow report to the United Nations CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women) Committee. Singapore acceded to CEDAW in 1995. Countries who are party to CEDAW commit themselves to developing policies and regulatory frameworks

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