News > Media Coverage
Taiwan opening its doors to migrant workers from India
Taiwan is opening its manufacturing labour market to Indian workers. It's a hot topic there, and Taiwan Public TV interviewed three persons and two clients from TWC2.
More transport vehicles needed so migrant workers don’t have to sleep rough
Workers are sent by their employers to worksites way too early before their shift starts, thus depriving them of sufficient rest in their beds at the dorms.
Worker acquitted of charges. Yet, is he barred from working in Singapore?
Prosecutors dropped charges reportedly for lack of evidence. Yet Kirpal Singh was given a stern warning, which in many cases means the worker cannot work here again. Wouldn't this be unjust?
Letter in the Straits Times: TADM’s role in wrongful dismissal claims is to mediate, not adjudicate
TWC2 points out in a letter to the press that in handling wrongful dismissal claims, TADM tends to exceed its powers.
Reintroducing trade schools won’t be enough to reduce reliance on migrant labour
A letter in Straits Times Forum called for trade skills training for Singaporeans to avoid over-dependence on foreign labour. But that's not the elephant in the room.
Letter in Straits Times: Allow foreign workers whose work permits have been cancelled to stay and look for new job
TWC2 calls for transfer opportunities for migrant workers whose work permits have been cancelled and those on Special Passes.
Manpower shortage and our kafala system
Employers acting in self-interest couldn't care less if they hurt the national interest. Singapore unfortunately jealously protects employers' self-interest. It's a dogma thing.
Give domestic workers a break
For all the wringing of hands over abuse of domestic workers, one key solution has still not been implemented despite TWC2 proposing it nearly two decades ago.
How did 5,000 salary claims a year become 1,400 over five years?
In 2018 and 2019, over 60% of all salary claims were filed by foreign employees. Even digging these basic figures out involved sleuthing. Many things still opaque.
Straits Times’ Migrant Burden: background and commentary
A good video highlighting one of the critical issues in the exploitation of migrant workers -- recruitment costs This article adds more information surrounding it.